Shannon Green, Certified Genealogist®, has a passion for researching and writing about family history. Her articles have been published in various well-known publications, including the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. A selection of her articles is below.

NGSQ 2019

“Two Probates and Three Richards: Who Was Richard Bedell of Hempstead, Queens County, New York?” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107 (December 2019): 259-270.

the record 2023

“A Widow and a Spinster Help Identify the Parentage of Sarah Hicks of New York City.” The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 154 (April 2023): 85-93.

NGS Magazine 2022

“Correlation: A Powerful Research Tool.” NGS Magazine (July-September 2022): 17-23.


NGSQ 2017

“Parents for Cynthia (Parker) Wilcoxon of Ohio and West Virginia.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 105 (June 2017): 93-100.

the Record 2017

“Connecting William W. Hawkins of Newark, New Jersey, and William Wallace Hawkins of New York City.” The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 148 (October 2017): 265-277.

NGS Magazine 2018

“Broadening Search Parameters: A Case Study.” NGS Magazine (April-June 2018): 53-56.