I am a genealogy researcher, writer, and educator.
As a little girl, I was interested in my family history. I started my genealogy journey by trying to prove an old family legend. Still, I was captivated when I discovered how many other intriguing family stories were lost from generation to generation. My most memorable discovery was finding my 5th great-grandfather’s autobiography, which he left with his will.
Genealogy education is my passion. Thinking I “knew it all,” I enrolled in the Boston University Genealogy Studies Program, expecting it to be easy. After that humbling experience, I realized I needed to learn much more. I received my certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University (2014), completed the National Genealogical Society Home Study Course (2015), and graduated from the ProGen study program (2016). This education helped me assemble a portfolio to become a Certified Genealogist® (2017). I successfully renewed my CG® credential (2022). I love attending institutes and conferences to further my education and meet others who share my passion.
I am a trustee for the BCG Education Fund, serving as treasurer. In 2020 I was elected as a trustee for the Board for Certification of Genealogists.
My current research focuses on extending my female lines to honor the women who came before me.